Cycling from sport to passion

raluca 2016-12-13
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Cycling from sport to passion

Since 1800s people have been using bicycles for commuting, recreation and even racing. Cycling has developed very much over time improving the life quality of humans. The bicycle has been used as a form of transportation for people before the cars became popular. It has also been used as a leisure activity and it became safer for people who wanted to enjoy good bike rides.

The passion for bikes and cycling didn’t stop there, and as the popularity of the bikes grew, people started racing in cycling competitions. Since its grown popularity cycling clubs started to appear too. The oldest cycling club is St. Louis Cycling Club which was founded in 1887 in the United States. Today the frontiers of cycling have been enlarged so much that very passionate people can do online cycling betting. This Ladbrokes promo code can be used to place such bets if you happen to be one of us who have this kind of passion for cycling as well.

Cycling is something that is very popular today. And because of its benefits on both human health and environments, people seem to adopt it in their private lifestyle. Whether they chose to make this the main commuting option, they practice it as a sport or just as a leisure activity, cycling does have a very positive impact in anyone’s life.

As result of the evolution of cycling, below are two aspects of how people show their passion for cycling, both of which involve high level of skill and dedication.

Cycling competitions
People are very competitive beings, and cycling didn’t escape from being turned into a type of competition. There are a wide variety of cycling events including championships around the globe that happen today. The oldest cycling race in the history was held in Paris in 1868 and it covered 1.2 km of Park Saint-Cloud.

BMX Freestyle
Bicycles are real tools that make the personality, passion, imagination and skill of people to merge and create beautiful performances too. One example are the impressive BMX freestyle performances we can see in different parks and even skillful competitions that take place internationally. These freestyle shows are just fascinating. This form of cycling as a sport is the latest evolution of cycling and the use of bicycles today. The BMX freestyle requires real passion and dedication to reach to a level that allows us to do this.

Category: Cycling
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