Cycling and a healthy lifestyle

raluca 2016-12-27
19 people like this post

Just a bicycle can be so useful for our mental and physical health. It can help us feel emotionally and physically enriched because of its effects on our body and brain. Scientists have shown this through numerous studies, and it is well known that cycling as a form of exercise has many benefits for the people who practice it.

Now I’m going to ask you a small question: have you already written your New Year’s resolutions? If you haven’t then you may want to consider doing it because this can help you get to your goals faster. But if you did, was there losing weight on it? It would be surprising if it wouldn’t, since weight loss is one of the most popular resolutions at the beginning of the year, among quitting smoking and saving money. With a bicycle your losing weight and being healthy resolution can come to life sooner than you think because cycling burns calories and it improves our health. And not only it can help you lose weight and look great, but it also adds some amazing benefits that you probably already know about, but we’re listing just a couple of them below:

It helps improve the immune system. Thus, with a stronger immune system you will become more resistant to getting a cold or a flu, and you will also be able to recover faster from diseases.

It is known to reduce stress. Stress impacts our immune system too. When we’re stressed our adrenal glands release the so called stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol suppresses the immune system making the body more susceptible to disease. With lower levels of cortisol due to cycling, the immune system can fight against pathogens more efficiently and hence a better health. Having the stress level reduced, the emotional quality of the mind improves as well.

It improves the heart health. Cycling is a light cardiovascular exercise, which means that the heart is helped to improve its performance and become stronger, therefore healthier. Cycling also helps prevent fatal cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks by 50% in people who ride their bicycles. The British Heart Foundation shows that cycling can help avoid 10.000 fatal heart attacks each year, by just cycling.

It helps you lose weight and stay fit. Good weight and fitness of the body helps you avoid other diseases caused by extra weight in our bodies. For example diabetes, heart and other organ problems. It will also help you look at your best! Why not add some extra hotness to yourself and then also boost your self esteem?!

Being fit, physically healthy, with a good emotional state describe a healthy lifestyle that you can achieve with just using your bicycle. But now what is a healthy lifestyle if it’s not sustained by a healthy diet? Of course that the diet is part of a healthy lifestyle, and that is also required when doing any form of exercise, including cycling.

Make sure that you give your body what it needs to build the strength and health you are trying to achieve with cycling: healthy nutrients (carbs, fats and protein), fruits and veggies and of course, plenty of water. Good luck!

Category: Cycling
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